Goal Setter


With 101 million enrollments in 2018, MOOCs have drastically increased access to online learning resources. Yet, many challenges still exist in online learning experiences, including high attrition rates and learners’ sense of isolation. 

So we created the Goal Setter - a web application that embeds in a MOOC to:

What is the Goal Setter?

The Goal Setter is a web application that can easily be added to any learning management system like Coursera, edX, and Canvas. It is an optional support tool learners may choose to utilize early on in a MOOC. Its features and content are not specific to a single discipline or setting, so it can be quickly customized for a MOOC.

Our current design includes 5 steps in which the learner: 

Student-Facing Features

The Goal Setter’s features were determined through background research, competitive analysis, persona creation, a Lightning Decision Jam, prototype creation, and prototype evaluation. We assessed our prototype using two methods: e-Learning System Evaluations (eLSE) and traditional usability tests. 

You can read more about our process in our case study from CHI 2020 (Conference on Human Factors in Computer Systems).

Instructor-Facing Features

This tool currently offers limited instructor-facing features. Instructors can set a course title and learning experience type for the tool. “Learning experience type” is a term such as “course”, “teach-out”, “series”, etc.

Instructional Design Tips

Given the importance of setting goals earlier rather than later in a course, we suggest placing this tool near the beginning of your course content. An example order might be:

When considering the placement of the tool in your course, also note whether other surrounding content items direct learners to places outside the course (as the Goal Setter Tool does) or not. Ordering out-bound content items in close proximity to each other could be disorienting for learners.

Past Use Cases


I want to use this tool in my course. How do I get started?

The Goal Setter does not require any outside content or prepwork before you can use it. All you have to know when setting up the tool is what you want to call it (e.g., “[ your course name ] Goal Setter”) and what type of learning experience you’re using the tool for (e.g., a course, teach-out, series, or degree).

Can I override the default list of private or group goals students will see?

While you cannot override the list of private goal options, you can populate the tool with additional group goals by going through the goal setup process as a learner would. You can do this as many times as you like. You will just be asked to leave each group goal as you create new ones.

Can students have multiple goals?

No, currently students can only have one goal at a time. However, they can change their goal and any information related to it at any time. They can also leave one group goal for another one.

Can students edit their goals after they set them?

Yes! Students can always come back to the tool to edit their deadline or any other piece of the goal.

Can I use this tool for graded assignments?

No. While other tools, such as the Gamut Gallery Tool, support graded assignments, the Goal Setter currently does not.

Can the tool be accessed from outside my LMS?

No, in order for anyone to authenticate into the tool they must come from an LTI item within an LMS. For that reason, there is no public-facing component to any Gamut Tool.

How do I set up the tool in Canvas?

How do I set up the tool in Coursera?

How do I set up the tool in FutureLearn?

Who do I contact if I have a problem with the tool?

We’re sorry to hear you’re encountering issues with the tool. Please submit a support request and we'll be with as soon as possible.